Angela Ahrendts
Angela Ahrendts

Unless I can come in in the morning and smile, walk in the lobby and say, 'Good morning!' - if I am stressed - I am not going to do a good job. Everybody is watching us. They are feeding off of our energy.

Anna Paquin
Anna Paquin

I was never overexposed and work never became a chore. I was a very good girl wanting to do a good job.

Anne Sullivan
Anne Sullivan

I think that there are some teachers that do a very good job of incorporating culture and history. And there are some teachers who could use a little more help in that area.

Ansel Elgort
Ansel Elgort

What's interesting to me is the fact that creatively, I can do anything now and people will pay attention, and if I suck, hopefully they will stop paying attention very quickly, but if I'm good, then I have my foot in the door, and people have paid attention, and I did a good job, and people are like, 'Oh, wow!'

Anthony Michael Hall
Anthony Michael Hall

That, we encourage, and I think we're doing a pretty good job with the website and also the DVD, like the first season came out and the second season's being prepared now.

Arden Cho
Arden Cho

I didn't know what it was going to look like or how anything was going to turn out, but the production on 'Teen Wolf' is so amazing. The way that they shoot it, edit it, and put it out there, it's really so exciting. I trust the team so much. They do such a good job.

Ardal O'Hanlon
Ardal O'Hanlon

I couldn't make a living as a comic in Ireland and I was watching my friends from college getting good jobs, buying houses, and I had to really take stock and say: am I going to go for this comedy thing, or what?

Charles E. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson

Our thinking behind these agreements is that we want all jobs in General Motors to be good jobs.

Charles Leadbeater
Charles Leadbeater

People may be prepared to buy services from Apple and Amazon if they feel these companies do a good job, but we need to ensure that we can speak up when our content is used by other people for their profit. An activist amateur culture will constantly challenge and say, 'This is mine, you're not doing that with it.'

Charlie Sifford
Charlie Sifford

If I was the Jackie Robinson of golf, I sure didn't do a very good job of it. Jackie was followed by hundreds of great black ballplayers who have transformed their sport... But there are hardly any black kids coming up through the ranks of golf today.